Connect Airtm with online marketplaces

Do you work on platforms like Upwork, Airbnb, or Fiverr? With Airtm, you can receive your payments directly, securely, and hassle-free. Forget about complicated processes and enjoy a system that quickly converts your earnings into your local currency.

  • Receive payments from platforms like Upwork, Airbnb, and Fiverr. Receive payments from platforms like Upwork, Airbnb, and Fiverr.
  • Link your Airtm account to get your funds directly. Link your Airtm account to get your funds directly.
  • Withdraw to your local currency quickly and securely. Withdraw to your local currency quickly and securely.

How to receive payments from online marketplaces

  • Link your account from Upwork, Airbnb, Fiverr, or other platforms that allow transfers to U.S. bank accounts. Link your account from Upwork, Airbnb, Fiverr, or other platforms that allow transfers to U.S. bank accounts.
  • Activate your Airtm USA Virtual Account from your profile. Activate your Airtm USA Virtual Account from your profile.
  • Add your USA Virtual Account details as a payment method on the marketplace. Add your USA Virtual Account details as a payment method on the marketplace.
  •  Receive your funds in digital dollars (USDC) directly in your Airtm account. Receive your funds in digital dollars (USDC) directly in your Airtm account.
  • Withdraw your funds to your local currency quickly and securely. Withdraw your funds to your local currency quickly and securely.
Create Your Account Now


Which online marketplaces can I connect with Airtm?

Using Airtm's Virtual USA Account, you can connect to marketplaces like Upwork, Fiverr,, Airbnb, and many more, and receive your payments easily.

How long does it take for the payment to reach my Airtm account?

Payments typically arrive in your Airtm account immediately after your client completes the transaction. However, the exact timing may vary slightly depending on the payment method used.

How safe is adding funds to Airtm?

Airtm's ensures safety in each transaction by matching you with a vetted and verified cashier and providing escrow security. Airtm's cashier network consists of ID-verified experienced professionals who are dedicated to servicing requests. All P2P transactions are backed by USDC held in an escrow account and serviced by our mediation team if any issues arrive, guarenteeing the USDC you are receiving is available and distributed correctly.